javascript - can we have a pop up without the use of alert or windows.alert -
ideally when click action item in table shows "show message" on clicking on need popup without use of window.alert or alert instead show pop based on website design function showfailedwarning(){ dijit.byid('validationsform').clearmessages(); dijit.byid('validationsform').popup(alert("upload correct file ")); } method #1 - pure javascript you can build own pop-up whatever design want. either hardcode elements in html , set display:none container in css, or dynamically append container. note: why used innerhtml in place of appendchild() . live demo html <button id="error">click error</button> javascript document.getelementbyid('error').onclick = function (event) { event.preventdefault(); /*creating , appending element */ var element = '<div id="overlay" style="opacity:0"><div id="container">'; element += "<h...