time - Convert seconds(float) into mm:ss:ms in php -

i have below php function takes time argument in seconds database. seconds of type float(6,1) in database. pass value function below. problem have if have 1655.5 seconds can hour, minutes , seconds. how milliseconds remain.

ie 1655.5 = 27m:35s.5ms

thanks in advance.

<?php     function convertto($init)     {           $hours = ($init / 3600);           $minutes = (($init / 60) % 60);           $seconds = $init % 60;              if($minutes < 10)             {                 $minutes = "0".$minutes;             }              if($seconds < 10)             {                 $seconds = "0".$seconds;             }            $milli = /* code ret remaining milliseconds */              $stagetime = "$minutes:$seconds.$milli";           return $stagetime;     }  ?> 

possibly counter-intuitively, easiest way extract milliseconds first step.

simply floor() initial value, , subtract result input. give right-hand side of decimal point, can multiply 1000 give number of milliseconds - should cast integer ensure resulting string sensible.

function convertto($init) {       $secs = floor($init);       $milli = (int) (($init - $secs) * 1000);        $hours = ($secs / 3600);       $minutes = (($secs / 60) % 60);       $seconds = $secs % 60;       // ... 


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