java - Why this if statement is being skipped? -

can anyway tell me why following if statement being skipped? want check if malphabetcode contains 0-9 literal, not 0 9.

        // check if alphabet code numeric         if (malphabetcode.equals("0-9")){             malphabetcode = "-";         } 

here whole code:

    public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> parent, view view, int position, long id) {      if (parent.getid() == {         // store data pass         intent mintent = new intent(this, achlist.class);         mintent.putextra("mpageurl", mgamelist.get(position).getitempageurl());         mintent.putextra("mgametitle", mgamelist.get(position).gettitle());          // start activity , page animation         startactivity(mintent);         mpagetrans.slidein();      } else if (parent.getid() == {         // alphabet code         string malphabetcode = parent.getadapter().getitem(position).tostring().tolowercase();          // check if alphabet code numeric         if (malphabetcode.equals("0-9")){             malphabetcode = "-";         }          // build page url         mgamelisturl = mgamelisturl.substring(0, (mgamelisturl.length() - 2) ) + malphabetcode + "/";          malphabetmenu.setitemchecked(position, true);          // close browsing menu         mslidingpane.closepane();          // make network request         mstringrequest = new stringrequest(request.method.get, mgamelisturl, onsuccess(), onerror());         mrequestqueue.add(mstringrequest);     } } 

and here debugger saying malphabetcode contains before hitting if statement:

enter image description here

my error here in strings.xml file:

    <!-- strings of arrays --> <string-array name="slide_menu_alphabet">     <item>0&#8211;9</item> 

i had changed item 0-9 0 &#8211 ;9 (spaced numbers show) androidstudio ide subjected , @user1873880 , david cesarino, changed 0 &#45 ;9 (spaced numbers show) , works great.

thanks help.

the problem '-' character in code in fact has integer number 45, while in debugger it's 8211, mean different character. can verify via logs, try see value (int) '-'.


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