C# generic constraint for Type to be castable -

is there way c# generics limit type t castable type?

lets saving information in registry string, , when restore information have function looks that:

static t getobjectfromregistry<t>(string regpath) t castable string  {     string regvalue = //getting regisstry value...     t objectvalue = (t)regvalue;     return objectvalue ; } 

there no such type of constraints in .net. there 6 types of constraints available (see constraints on type parameters):

  • where t: struct type argument must value type
  • where t: class type argument must reference type
  • where t: new() type argument must have public parameterless constructor
  • where t: <base class name> type argument must or derive specified base class
  • where t: <interface name> type argument must or implement specified interface
  • where t: u type argument supplied t must or derive argument supplied u

if want cast string type, can casting object first. can't put constraint on type parameter make sure casting can occur:

static t getobjectfromregistry<t>(string regpath) {     string regvalue = //getting regisstry value...     t objectvalue = (t)(object)regvalue;     return objectvalue ; } 

another option - create interface:

public interface iinitializable {     void initfrom(string s); } 

and put constraint:

static t getobjectfromregistry<t>(string regpath)    t: iinitializable, new() {     string regvalue = //getting regisstry value...        t objectvalue = new t();     objectvalue.initfrom(regvalue);     return objectvalue ; } 


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