no matching functions for call to constructor (c++) -


ok, i've done bit of reading again few hours , think understand c++ oop bit better (at least basics). decided rewrite entire program , code bit @ time , test more. think narrowed errors bit more time.


#include <string> #include <iostream>  #ifndef namedstorm_h_included #define namedstorm_h_included  // never use using namespce in header, use std instead.  class namedstorm{ private:     std::string stormname;     std::string stormcategory;     double maxwindspeed;     double stormpressure;     static int stormcount; public:      // constructor     namedstorm(std::string, double, std::string, double);     namedstorm(std::string);      // destructor     ~namedstorm();      // functions     int getstormcount();     double getstormpressure();     double getwindspeed();     std::string getstormcategory();     std::string getname();      // set functions     static void displayoutput();     static void sortbynames();     static void sortbywindspeed();     static void getaveragewindspeed();     static void getaveragestormpressure(); };  #endif // namedstorm_h_included 


// cpp => function definition #include <string>  #include "namedstorm.h"  using namespace std;  // defining static variables int namedstorm::stormcount = 0;  // constructor definition namedstorm::namedstorm(std::string sname, double wspeed, std::string scat, double spress){     stormname = sname;     windspeed = wspeed;     stormcategory = scat;     stormpressure = spress;     stormcount++; }  namedstorm::namedstorm(std::string sname){     stormname = sname;     stormcount++; }  // destructor definition namedstorm::~namedstorm(){}  // (accessor) function definition int namedstorm::getstormcount(){     return stormcount; }  double namedstorm::getstormpressure(){     return stormpressure; }  string namedstorm::getstormcategory(){     return stormcategory; }  string namedstorm::getname(){     return stormname; }  // set (mutator) function definition void namedstorm::displayoutput(){} void namedstorm::sortbynames(){} void namedstorm::getaveragestormpressure(){} void namedstorm::getaveragewindspeed(){} void namedstorm::getwindspeed(){} 


#include <iostream> #include <string>  #include "namedstorm.h"  using namespace std;  namedstorm storm[5]; // error occurs here  int main(){    // namedstorm chris("chris", 70.0, "t.s", 990.0);     // storm[0] = chris;     return 0; } 

1. remove constructor definition

in header file (namedstorm.h) have defined default constructor of namedstorm:


but wanted constructor declaration:


the difference between definition , declaration declaration tells compiler there function (for example: namedstorm constructor), whereas definition provides full body of function.

note that, if specify declaration function, , forget make definition, undefined reference linker error.

further reading:

2. correct second constructor

namedstorm::namedstorm(string sname, double wspeed, string sname, double spress) 

this can't work, because try pass 2 arguments same name. guess wanted name second 1 scat, since use such variable in constructor definition. correct version:

namedstorm::namedstorm(string sname, double wspeed, string scat, double spress) 

3. operator<<

if read first section, should know what's wrong operator<< now. provided declaration, not definition.

you can fill this:

std::ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, namedstorm& namedstorm) {     out << namedstorm.getname();     return out; } 

note declaration changed - function takes namedstorm& instead of const namedstorm&, because getname method not declared const. can read const methods here.

4. define static clas variables

every static variable declare in class (only int stormcount in case) have defined. put line namedstorm.cpp file:

int namedstorm::stormcount = 0; 

after applying these changes code should work fine. however, there still many language nuances read improve code. of them are:

1. passing function arguments values vs const references

good read here: is better in c++ pass value or pass constant reference?

2. functions returning object copies vs const references

this question has nice answer on so: is more efficient return const reference

3. careful "using namespace"

again, so: why "using namespace std" considered bad practice?

if really want use it, never use in header file, because affect files include it.


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