android - How to install packaged app on Firefox for mobile? -

how test-install packaged (zip) app on fennec?

device: physical android phone or android emulator, don't care.

install mozilla-apk-cli using npm:

npm install -g mozilla-apk-cli 

use generate "debuggable" apk app either source directory or url mini-manifest:

mozilla-apk-cli /path/to/source/dir/ arbitrary-name.apk mozilla-apk-cli arbitrary-name.apk 

(context-click > inspect element on "free" button in marketplace discover mini-manifest url app in marketplace.)

install apk on android device:

adb install -r arbitrary-name.apk 

launch app on device. notification area notification port remote debugger server listening on. forward port on desktop, f.e. if port 12345:

adb forward tcp:12345 tcp:12345 

go web developer > connect… in firefox on desktop , connect localhost @ forwarded port. commence debugging!



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