save image to a folder under web-app in grails -

i need save image folder in application. far have learned save image database need save folder. how can this? can please me on please? here code below save database >>>

def upload={   def user = user.findbyid(1)     commonsmultipartfile file = params.list("photo")?.getat(0)     user.avatar = file?.bytes } 

find below step wise implementation, have added gsp page uploadform(it have multipart form submission default), , controller function handle file save request, , service method save file in specified directory:

step1: create form file upload:

<g:uploadform name="picuploadform" class="well form-horizontal" controller="<your-controller-name>" action="savepicture">      select picture: <input type="file" name="productpic"/>     <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success"><g:message code="shopitem.btn.saveproductimage" default="save image" /></button>    </g:uploadform> 

step2: in controller's savepicture action:

string baseimagename = java.util.uuid.randomuuid().tostring(); // saving image in folder assets/channelimage/, in web-app, name: baseimagename         def downloadedfile = request.getfile( "product.baseimage" )         string fileuploaded = fileuploadservice.uploadfile( downloadedfile, "${baseimagename}.jpg", "assets/channelimage/" )         if( fileuploaded ){             // further actions, example make db entry file name         } 

step3: , in file uploader service(user defined service name fileuploadservice in case):

def string uploadfile( multipartfile file, string name, string destinationdirectory ) {          def serveletcontext = servletcontextholder.servletcontext         def storagepath = serveletcontext.getrealpath( destinationdirectory )          def storagepathdirectory = new file( storagepath )          if( !storagepathdirectory.exists() ){             println("creating directory ${storagepath}")             if(storagepathdirectory.mkdirs()){                 println "success"             }else{                 println "failed"             }         }          // store file          if(!file.isempty()){             file.transferto( new file("${storagepath}/${name}") )             println("saved file: ${storagepath}/${name}")             return "${storagepath}/${name}"         }else{             println "file: ${file.inspect()} empty"             return null         }     } 


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