xml - Java JaxB generation, How do I get a bigDecimal from my xsd? -

i have xsd annotation trying marshal java object. java end bigdecimal value. enter in xsd make this? using xjc ant task

<xjc schema="my.xsd" destdir="generated" header="false" extension="true" /> 

here relevant xsd -

<complextype name="size">     <attribute name="height" type="bigdecimal"></attribute> <!-- wrong--> </complextype> 

i end generated class -

public class size {  @xmlattribute(name = "height")     protected bigdecimal height; } 

a jaxb (jsr-222) implementation generate java.math.bigdecimal decimal type (see table 6-1 in jaxb 2.2 specification).

xml schema (schema.xsd)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <schema      xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema"      targetnamespace="http://www.example.org/schema"      xmlns:tns="http://www.example.org/schema"      elementformdefault="qualified">      <element name="foo">         <complextype>             <sequence>                 <element name="bar" type="decimal"/>             </sequence>         </complextype>     </element>  </schema> 

xjc call

xjc schema.xsd 

java model (foo)

package org.example.schema;  import java.math.bigdecimal; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;  @xmlaccessortype(xmlaccesstype.field) @xmltype(name = "", proporder = {"bar"}) @xmlrootelement(name = "foo") public class foo {      @xmlelement(required = true)     protected bigdecimal bar;      ...  } 


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