R: Using ellipsis with a function that takes a arbitrary number of arguments -

many times, find myself typing following

print(paste0(val1,',',val2,',',val3)) print output function variables separated comma. 

it handy when want copy generate csv file output.

i wondering if can write function in r me. many attempts, following.

ppc <- function(string1,string2,...) print(paste0(string1,',',string2,',',...,)) 

it works @ maximum of 3 arguments.

> ppc(1,2,3) [1] "1,2,3" > ppc(1,2,3,4) [1] "1,2,34"  

ppc(1,2,3,4) should have given "1,2,3,4". how can correct function? somehow believe possible in r.

you don't need write own function. can paste.

paste(1:3,collapse=",") # [1] "1,2,3" 


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