python - Using pyinotify to 'live' refresh displayed file -


i've got raspberry pi, used display transaction log csv file on hdmi-connected display. display operate live 'scoreboard', such user can see log csv file (like airport/flight announcing board).

i've been told pyinotify can monitor log csv file, , refresh file, without having close , reopen it? i've read through documentation, , searched web functionality, i've far come empty. don't have example code demonstrate i've tried (yet!), wanted ascertain first of whether functionality possible pyinotify, or whether should looking @ else.

i'm using python 3.3.

any guidance here amazing!


ok, don't know if it's going here how can it:

let's have file :

echo "line 1" >> testfile.txt  

than write script (make sure point file):

import os, pyinotify  path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/'), 'testfile.txt')  class eventhandler(pyinotify.processevent):     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):         super(eventhandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)         self.file = open(path)         self.position = 0         self.print_lines()      def process_in_modify(self, event):         self.print_lines()      def print_lines(self):         new_lines =         last_n = new_lines.rfind('\n')         if last_n >= 0:             self.position += last_n + 1             print new_lines[:last_n]         else:             print 'no line'  wm = pyinotify.watchmanager() handler = eventhandler() notifier = pyinotify.notifier(wm, handler) wm.add_watch(path, pyinotify.in_modify, rec=true) notifier.loop() 

run file:


you see

line 1 

than add line different terminal file (make sure script still running)

echo "line 2" >> testfile.txt 

and see on script output

p.s credit code goes nicolas cartot


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