windows store apps - GridView and Virtualizing Stackpanel to display a grid of items -

i trying create grid containing elements such as

| 1 | 4 | 7 |  | 2 | 5 | 8 | ===> extend | 3 | 6 | 9 | 

since data large, need use ui virtualization , see in example virtualizingstackpanel

here how have setup gridview in xaml . problem following code creates horizontal row of single element (which makes sense given stack panel).

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | .....           <gridview         x:name="itemgridview"         automationproperties.automationid="itemsgridview""items"         tabindex="1"         grid.rowspan="3"         padding="116,136,116,46"         itemssource="{binding source={staticresource itemsviewsource}}"         itemtemplateselector="{staticresource cellstyleselector}"         itemclick="itemview_itemclick"                     isitemclickenabled="true"         selectionmode="extended"         selectionchanged="itemview_selectionchanged"         isswipeenabled="true">         <gridview.itemspanel>             <itemspaneltemplate>                 <virtualizingstackpanel orientation="horizontal"/>             </itemspaneltemplate>         </gridview.itemspanel>     </gridview> 

how 1 go making display grid extends horizontally using virtualizingstackpanel? have no groups in data examples show virtualizingstackpanel show ? new @ windows store app dev (mostly have been on ios , android ) appreciate code sample or resources.

thank you

i think doing ui virtualization implementing data source interface isupportincrementalloading. try wrapgrid, , set maximumrowsorcolumns.

<gridview     x:name="itemgridview"     automationproperties.automationid="itemsgridview""items"     tabindex="1"     grid.rowspan="3"     padding="116,136,116,46"     itemssource="{binding source={staticresource itemsviewsource}}"     itemtemplateselector="{staticresource cellstyleselector}"     itemclick="itemview_itemclick"                 isitemclickenabled="true"     selectionmode="extended"     selectionchanged="itemview_selectionchanged"     isswipeenabled="true">     <gridview.itemspanel>         <itemspaneltemplate>             <wrapgrid maximumrowsorcolumns="3" orientation="horizontal"/>         </itemspaneltemplate>     </gridview.itemspanel> </gridview> 


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