sql server 2008 - Common table expression from last child record -

hi have sitemap table , hierarchy table.

    use [eb_new] go /****** object:  table [dbo].[common.sitemap]    script date: 07/24/2013 06:13:51 ******/ set ansi_nulls on go set quoted_identifier on go set ansi_padding on go create table [dbo].[common.sitemap](     [id] [int] identity(1,1) not null,     [p_id] [int] null,     [c_id] [int] null,     [type] [varchar](50) null,     [title] [varchar](50) null,     [task_url_id] [bigint] null ) on [primary] go set ansi_padding off go set identity_insert [dbo].[common.sitemap] on insert [dbo].[common.sitemap] ([id], [p_id], [c_id], [type], [title], [task_url_id]) values (2, null, 2, n'eb', n'employee benefit', null) insert [dbo].[common.sitemap] ([id], [p_id], [c_id], [type], [title], [task_url_id]) values (3, 2, 3, n'company', n'company listing', 175) insert [dbo].[common.sitemap] ([id], [p_id], [c_id], [type], [title], [task_url_id]) values (4, 3, 4, n'company', n'company profile setup', 176) insert [dbo].[common.sitemap] ([id], [p_id], [c_id], [type], [title], [task_url_id]) values (5, 4, 5, n'company', n'company policy setup', 191) insert [dbo].[common.sitemap] ([id], [p_id], [c_id], [type], [title], [task_url_id]) values (6, 4, 6, n'company', n'employee profile setup', 178) insert [dbo].[common.sitemap] ([id], [p_id], [c_id], [type], [title], [task_url_id]) values (7, 5, 7, n'company', n'company policy setup 2', null) insert [dbo].[common.sitemap] ([id], [p_id], [c_id], [type], [title], [task_url_id]) values (8, 6, 8, n'company', n'employee profile setup 2', null) set identity_insert [dbo].[common.sitemap] off 


id  p_id       c_id     type    title                       task_url_id 2   null         2        eb    employee benefit              null 3   2            3    company   company listing               175 4   3            4    company   company profile setup         176 5   4            5    company   company policy setup          191 6   4            6    company   employee profile setup        178 7   5            7    company   company policy setup 2        null 8   6            8    company   employee profile setup 2      null 

i used common table expression determined hierarchy data

with ctlevel                                 (                     select                         c_id                                                                child                         ,p_id                                                               parent                         ,1                                                                  [level]                         ,task_url_id                                                        taskurl_id                            ,title                                                              title                         ,type                                                               type                              ,id                                                                 id                                                                                                       [common.sitemap] common_sitemap                                                p_id null , common_sitemap.type ='eb'                       union                      select                          c_id                                                                    child                         ,p_id                                                                   parent                         ,[level] + 1                                                            [level]                         ,task_url_id                                                            ctaskurl_id                         ,common_sitemap.title                                                   ctitle                         ,common_sitemap.type                                                    ctype                             ,common_sitemap.id                                                      cid                                                                                                                               [common.sitemap]as common_sitemap                       inner join                          ctlevel                     on                          (                          p_id = child                           )                                                    common_sitemap.p_id not null                         )                    select  distinct [parent] ,[child], ctlevel.title,ctlevel.type,                    ctlevel.taskurl_id,                    ctlevel.level,                     common_task_url.task_url                       ctlevel                      left join                        [common.task_url]as common_task_url                      on                      ctlevel.taskurl_id = common_task_url.task_url_id                       order level  


parent      child       title                                              type                                               taskurl_id           level       task_url ----------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ----------- ------------------- null        2           employee benefit                                   eb                                                 null                 1           null 2           3           company listing                                    company                                            175                  2           ~/module/eb/company/companylist.aspx 3           4           company profile setup                              company                                            176                  3           ~/module/eb/company/companydetail.aspx 4           5           company policy setup                               company                                            191                  4           ~/module/eb/company/companypolicy.aspx 4           6           employee profile setup                             company                                            178                  4           ~/module/eb/employee/employeedetail.aspx 5           7           company policy setup 2                             company                                            null                 5           null 6           8           employee profile setup 2                           company     

so question , possible entire related hierarchy record last child record.for example child record 7

so result get

parent      child       title                                              type                                               taskurl_id           level       task_url ----------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ----------- ----------------------- null        2           employee benefit                                   eb                                                 null                 1           null 2           3           company listing                                    company                                            175                  2           ~/module/eb/company/companylist.aspx 3           4           company profile setup                              company                                            176                  3           ~/module/eb/company/companydetail.aspx 4           5           company policy setup                               company                                            191                  4           ~/module/eb/company/companypolicy.aspx 5           7           company policy setup 2                             company                                            null                 5           null 

but if child record 8

parent      child       title                                              type                                               taskurl_id           level       task_url ----------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ----------- ----------------------- null        2           employee benefit                                   eb                                                 null                 1           null 2           3           company listing                                    company                                            175                  2           ~/module/eb/company/companylist.aspx 3           4           company profile setup                              company                                            176                  3           ~/module/eb/company/companydetail.aspx 4           6           employee profile setup                             company                                            178                  4           ~/module/eb/employee/employeedetail.aspx 6           8           employee profile setup 2                           company                                            null                 5           null 

any souliton? thanks

it possible. it's similar how traverse down tree. i've made example fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/842ce/13

declare @childid int = 7;  tree (     select parent, id t parent null   union     select t.parent, t.id t     join tree on t.parent = tree.id ), bottomup (     select parent, id tree id = @childid   union     select t.parent, t.id tree t     join bottomup on bottomup.parent = t.id ) select * bottomup order id asc 

here traversing tree traversed down. however, don't have use first tree if don't want to. change tree t in bottomup, , still works. if have logic trimming tree going down, can keep it. if don't have logic, it's faster if have second cte without first.


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