javascript - jquery onchange impacted by post event? -

i creating store products listed options (ie different sizes via drop down , different fabrics via selection of radio buttons). (check out

i wrote following code if selection made, price updated without needing post , refreshing top of screen. problem - when "add cart" prices getting updated price selected.

so, in essence, on first product, if select "brown chord" option add $2.25 - price changes adding $2.25 $30.00 - $32.25. however, when click add cart - product right changed price $2.25 well.

i assume has post registering onchange event each....i don't know. , i'm beginner jquery/javascript know what's happening.

script is:

function updateprice(e) {     var product = $('.product');     var price = parsefloat('price'));      var sizeprice = parsefloat(product.find('[name=sizeselect] :selected').data('price'));     if (isnan(sizeprice)) {         sizeprice = 0;     }      var patternprice = parsefloat(product.find('[name=fabric]:checked').data('price'));     if (isnan(patternprice)) {     patternprice = 0;     }      var totalprice = price + sizeprice + patternprice;     product.find('.totalcost').text('$' + totalprice.tofixed(2));  }  $(document).ready(function(){      $(document).on('change', '.product', updateprice); } 

what need prevent other products updating price on add cart?

edit: first, important note script runs perfect point submit button clicked. once button clicked, updates prices.

here's page script:

<?php      echo "<div><img style='padding-left:35px; float:left;' src='/images/just11stitchesbannerii.png'></div>";     echo "<div style='float:right; padding-right:55px;'>";     echo return_categories($dbconnection);     echo "</div>";      if ($cart->countitems() > 0) {         echo '<div style="float:right; clear:left; padding-right:50px;">                 <a style="outline:0;" class="gallery2" href="shoppingcartdev.php"><img style="width:55px; padding-left:75px;" src="/images/scart.png"></img></a><br/>                 <span style="font-size:.75em;">you have ' . $cart->countitems() . ' item(s) in shopping cart.</span>             </div>';     }     else {         echo '<div style="float:right; clear:left; padding-right:50px;">                 <img style="width:55px; padding-left:75px;" src="/images/scart.png"></img><br/>                 <span style="font-size:.75em;">you have ' . $cart->countitems() . ' in shopping cart.</span>             </div>';     }     echo '<h1 style="clear:left; padding-top:5px;">products</h1>';      // find out if page displaying products or if being filtered     $testproducts = new products();      if (isset($_post['category_submit']) && isset($_post['categories'])) {         $_post['test'] = 'false';         $linkarray = printfilteredproductlinks("/newstore", $dbconnection->db, $_post['categories']);         $myarray = $testproducts->getselectedorderproducts($linkarray["order_by"], $linkarray["start"], $linkarray["display"], 1, $_post['categories']);     }     else {         $_post['test'] = 'false';         $linkarray = printproductlinks("/newstore", $dbconnection->db, 1);         $myarray = $testproducts->getorderproducts($linkarray["order_by"], $linkarray["start"], $linkarray["display"], 1);     }      $counter = 0;     $i = 0;     $flag = 0;                         // used check if @ end of table , 1 cell row     $stepthroughitemcount =0;     $itemcount = count($myarray);      if ($itemcount % 2 == 1) {         $counter = floor( $itemcount / 2 );     // if flag = 1 there 1 more cell make in final row.         $flag = 1;     }     else {         $counter = $itemcount / 2;     }      // start table        echo "<table style='margin:5px; border-spacing:5px;'>";       while ($i < $counter) {         $tdcount = 0;          while ($tdcount < 2) {             $optioncount = 0;             $mysizes = new sizes($myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getid());              $mypatterns = new patterns($myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getid());                  echo    "<td valign='top'  class='product' data-price='" . returntotalprice($myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getprice()) . "' style='width:575px; padding-top:8px; border: 2px solid green; padding:8px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; background-color: #acbf9a;'>                             <div style='width:175px; float:left; text-align:center;'>                                 <a style='display:inline; float:none;' class='gallery' href='/prod_pics/" . $myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getpicturename() . "'><img id='picture' src='/red_prod_pics/" . $myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getpicturename() . "'</img></a>                                 <p class='totalcost' style='text-align:center; margin-top:0px;'>$" . number_format(returntotalprice($myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getprice()), 2) . "</p>                                 <form id='productform' enctype='multipart/form-data' action='newstore.php' method='post'>                                  <input type='hidden' name='product_id' value='{$myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getid()}' />                                 <input type='hidden' name='product_price' value='{$myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getprice()}' />                                 <p style='font-size:.7em; border:1px solid #008000; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; background-color: #ddf0dd; padding:2px;'>" . $myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getdescription() . "</p>                                 <input style='display:inline; margin-top:5px; float:none;' type='submit' name='addcart'  value='add cart'/>                             </div>                             <div style='margin-left:10px; float:left; width:373px;'>                                 <span style='font-weight:bold;'>sizes:</span>                                 <span style='padding-left:100px;'>                                     <select  name='sizeselect' style='width:200px; text-align:right;'>";             if (isset($_post['addcart'])){                 foreach ($mysizes->getallsizes() $value) {                     //echo "<option>valuesid = " . $value->getsid() . " postsizeselect = " . $_post['sizeselect'] . "</option>";                     echo            "<option " . ( $value->getpsid() == $_post['sizeselect'] ? 'selected' : '') . " data-price='" . $value->getsprice()  . "' value=" . $value->getpsid() . ">" . $value->getsname() . "&emsp; $" . number_format($value->getsprice(), 2) . "</option>";                 }                }             else {                 foreach ($mysizes->getallsizes() $value) {                     //echo $value->getsid() . ' ' . $myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getdefaultsize();                     echo            "<option " . ( $value->getsid() == $myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getdefaultsize() ? 'selected' : '') . " data-price='" . $value->getsprice()  . "' value=" . $value->getpsid() . ">" . $value->getsname() . "&emsp; $" . number_format($value->getsprice(), 2) . "</option>";                 }             }             echo                    "</select>                                 </span>                                 <br/>                                 <span style='font-weight:bold;'>fabrics & colors:</span><br/>                                 <table>                                     <tr>";             $rowcount = 0;              foreach ($mypatterns->getallpatterns() $value2)  {                    if ($rowcount % 4 == 0) {                     echo            '</tr>                                     <tr>';                 }                 echo                    '<td style="float:left; width:85px; text-align:center; ">                                             <img src="/patterns/' . $value2->getpatpicturename() . '" /><br/>                                             <span style="font-size:.65em; width:65px; color: #132301;">' . $value2->getpatname() . '</span><br/>                                             <span>$' . number_format($value2->getpatprice(), 2) . '</span><br/>                                             <input data-price="' . $value2->getpatprice() . '" type="radio" ' . ( $value2->getpatid() == $myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getdefaultfabric() ? "checked=\'checked\'" : "") . ' name="fabric" value=' . $value2->getppid() . ' />                                         </td>';                  $rowcount +=1;             }             echo                    '</tr>                                 </table>                             </div></form>                     </td>';             $stepthroughitemcount +=1;             $tdcount +=1;         }           echo "</tr>";         $i+=1;      }     if ($flag == 1 ) {         $mysizes = new sizes($myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getid());          $mypatterns = new patterns($myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getid());                echo    "<tr>                         <td valign='top' class='product' data-price='" . returntotalprice($myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getprice()) . "' style='width:575px; padding-top:8px; border: 2px solid green; padding:8px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; background-color: #acbf9a;'>                             <div style='width:175px; float:left; text-align:center;'>                                 <a style='display:inline; float:none;' class='gallery' href='/prod_pics/" . $myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getpicturename() . "'><img id='picture' src='/red_prod_pics/" . $myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getpicturename() . "'</img></a>                                 <p class='totalcost' style='text-align:center; margin-top:0px;'>$" . number_format(returntotalprice($myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getprice()), 2) . "</p>                                 <form id='productform' enctype='multipart/form-data' action='newstore.php' method='post'>                                 <input style='display:inline;  float:none;' type='submit' name='addcart'  value='add cart'/>                                 <input type='hidden' name='product_id' value='{$myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getid()}' />                                 <input type='hidden' name='product_price' value='{$myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getprice()}' />                             </div>                             <div style='margin-left:10px; float:left; width:373px;'>                                 <span style='font-weight:bold;'>sizes:</span>                                 <span style='padding-left:100px;'>                                     <select  name='sizeselect' style='width:200px; text-align:right;'>";             foreach ($mysizes->getallsizes() $value) {                 //echo $value->getsid() . ' ' . $myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getdefaultsize();                 echo                    "<option " . ( $value->getsid() == $myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getdefaultsize() ? 'selected' : '') . " data-price='" . $value->getsprice()  . "' value=" . $value->getpsid() . ">" . $value->getsname() . "&emsp; $" . number_format($value->getsprice(), 2) . "</option>";             }                                        echo                    "</select>                                 </span>                                 <br/>                                 <span style='font-weight:bold;'>fabrics & colors:</span><br/>                                 <table>                                     <tr>";             $rowcount = 0;              foreach ($mypatterns->getallpatterns() $value2)  {                    if ($rowcount % 4 == 0) {                     echo            '</tr>                                     <tr>';                 }                 echo                    '<td style="float:left; width:85px; text-align:center; ">                                             <img src="/patterns/' . $value2->getpatpicturename() . '" /><br/>                                             <span style="font-size:.75em">' . $value2->getpatname() . '</span><br/>                                             <span>$' . number_format($value2->getpatprice(), 2) . '</span><br/>                                             <input data-price="' . $value2->getpatprice() . '" type="radio" ' . ( $value2->getpatid() == $myarray[$stepthroughitemcount]->getdefaultfabric() ? "checked=\'checked\'" : "") . ' name="fabric" value=' . $value2->getppid() . ' />                                         </td>';                  $rowcount +=1;             }             echo                    '</tr>                                 </table>                             </div></form>                     </td>                 </tr>';     }     echo "</table>";      if (isset($_post['category_submit']) && isset($_post['categories'])) {         printfilteredproductlinks("/newstore", $dbconnection->db, $_post['categories']);     }     else {         printproductlinks("/newstore", $dbconnection->db, 1);     }     echo '</body>         </html>';  ?> 

i think right , event triggered again.

i guess happens because submit buttons have same id , updateprice function called each article.

just give try , remove id of submit buttons.


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