internet explorer - Downloading PDF's through Perl OLE iexplorer -

after doing lot of research , still coming nothing propose challenge all.

i trying script automated pdf downloader has passed through pac file configuration.

i have tried lwp::useragent , assigned pac file , tried using it's method, created corrupted pdf file. bare in mind passing url contains pdf (i.e.,

modules file::fetch work, not go through proxy of course makes non-feasible solution.

a suggestion made use ole , download using internet explorer object, since ie has proxy setting automatically configured should simple enough. after few hours of research , playing around not find in internetexplorer.application api allow me download pdf site 1 above.

i know can automated browsing various modules, main thing pass url contains pdf , download it, hard part ensuring goes through pac file.

any suggestions of great help! much!

use win32::ieautomation if need automate ie i'm sure there no need in such simple task have.


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