cordova - Registering to push notifications results in an "Invalid Action" error on Android -

i'm trying use phonegap's push notification plugin, receive , error when trying register push notifications on android (haven't tested on other platforms). testing purposes created minimal sample app reproduces problem.

install sample app

view sample app source code

your appriciated :-)

i found problem. wasn't using plugin should have; instead of writing this:

pushnotification.register(pg_success_handler, pg_error_handler, {   "senderid": "<sender id>",   "ecb": on_pg_gcm_notification }); 

i should have written this:

pushnotification.register(pg_success_handler, pg_error_handler, {   "senderid": "<sender id>",   "ecb": "on_pg_gcm_notification" }); 

the registration works :)


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