javascript - Why do my singular-named routes, with plural equivalents no longer work in Ember.js RC6? -

why singular-named routes, plural equivalents no longer work in ember.js rc6?

after upgrading ember.js rc4 ember.js rc6, of routes continue work couple of exceptions: ->   @route 'note', {path: 'note/:id'}   @route 'notes', {path: 'notes'}   @route 'attendee', {path: 'attendee/:id'}   @route 'attendees', {path:'attendees'} 

the note , attendee singular routes, stop functioning. i've attempted setup custom controller method using transitiontoroute instead of using linkto helper in handlebars, neither approach works anymore. rolling rc5 or rc4 corrects issue, can assume has router facelift, can't seem find documentation on should doing instead.


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