java - Android - Custom Array Adapter Not called During In and Out of a Fragment -

got stock problem couple of days now, have launchpadsectionfragment fragment a, on onclick event fragment(b) separate class called named videoplayerfragmentthat extends listfragment being called , displayed.

the problem:

when click fragment opens fragment b, inside fragment b contains listview - populated loadallproducts database, in on oncreateview() calls custom array adapter loads returned records in listview. fragment b displays blank screen if go previous fragment(a) goes b, displays listview. if lucky, first time frag b loads, show listview. i've been struggling this. thank considering.

public class collectiondemoactivity extends fragmentactivity {       public static class demoobjectfragment extends fragment {          public  static class launchpadsectionfragment extends listfragment {                      //onclick event opens class                      //extends fragment list                      fragmenttransaction transaction = getchildfragmentmanager().begintransaction();                     transaction.replace(, fragment1, fragmaingroups );                     transaction.addtobackstack(fragmaingroups);                     transaction.commit();           }      } }

 public class videoplayerfragment extends listfragment {      public void oncreate(bundle e){                 super.oncreate(e);                   productslist = new  arraylist<hashmap<string, ?>>();                   db = new databasehandler(getactivity().getbasecontext());                  mcontext = getactivity();                  log.d("inside", "oncreate");                   //this task populate data database                  //i checked in logcat , there rows returned.                  loadallproducts task = new loadallproducts();                     task.execute();         }         @override        public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container,                     bundle savedinstancestate) {         //this custom array adapter not called, not        //it happens, not sure reason. put displays        //logs , execute code, not.         mysimplearrayadapter adapter = new mysimplearrayadapter(                 mcontext, productslist,r.layout.load_groups_activity_listview, foldernamegroups, selectedid);                            setlistadapter(adapter);         } 


thanks @luksprog, giving me hint. make sure custom array adapter called inside listfragment, have put mysimplearrayadapter inside onpostexecute() on asynctask make sure executed after dobackground()


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