excel - export data onto csv and rename after computer profile name -

i want exportdata excel file onto csv saved in folder s:\froyo\ics. want name csv file after computer profile name. im using below code im not getting naming part right.

sub csvfile()

dim fs object, object, integer, s string, t string, l string, mn string set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") suser = environ("username") set = fs.createtextfile("s:\froyo\ics\suser.csv", true) r = 1 range("a65536").end(xlup).row     s = ""     c = 1     while not isempty(cells(r, c))         s = s & cells(r, c) & ","         c = c + 1     wend     a.writeline s 'write line next r 

end sub

the s user variable should concatenated string, otherwise, takes part of string , not variable:

set = fs.createtextfile("s:\froyo\ics\" & suser &".csv", true) 


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