c# - Generic Sqrt Implementation -

i'm using miscutils library (thanks marc g. , jon s.) , trying add generic sqrt function it. problem can reproduced this:

class n<t> {     public n(t value)     {         value = value;     }      public readonly t value;      public static implicit operator t(n<t> n)     {         return n.value;     }      public static implicit operator n<t>(t value)     {         return new n<t>(value);     }      public static t operator /(n<t> lhs, t rhs)     {         // operator.divide wrapper around          // system.linq.expressions.expression.divide         return operator.divide(lhs.value, rhs);     } }  // fails with: no coercion operator defined  // between types 'system.double' , 'n`1[system.single]'. var n = new numeric<float>(1f); var x = operator.dividealternative(n, 1.0);  // works n<t> first converted  // float via implicit conversion operator  var result = n / 1.0; 

now, realize why happening, have not yet been able think of way around it. reference, here current sqrt implementation. have little experience building expression trees.

public static double sqrt<t>(t value) {     double oldguess = -1;     double guess = 1;     while(abs(guess - oldguess) > 1)     {         oldguess = guess;         // first evaluated call dividealternative throws         guess = operator.divide(                     operator.addalternative(guess,                          operator.dividealternative(value, guess)),                     2);     }      return guess; } 

edit: ok, solved on own, in attempt keep question simple possible apparently went far , spent far time answering questions confused people trying help.

so, problem in entirety.

i 2 classes; 1 performs transformations , performs statistical analysis of image data (pixels). let's focus on latter problem same:

abstract class imagestatistics {     private readonly object _pixels;      public imagestatistics(object pixelarray)     {         pixels = pixelarray;     }      // calculate standard deviation of pixel values     public double calcstddev(); } 

the array of pixels can numeric type. in practice, either float, int, ushort, or byte. now, because generics cannot things this:

public t add<t>(t lhs, t rhs) {     return lhs + rhs;  // oops, no operator + t } 

i cannot perform sort of statistical analyses on pixel values without casting proper array type. so, need have n sub-classes of imageprocessor support n pixel types.

well, sucks. love have generic imageprocessor<t> class has t[] of pixel data. so, looked miscutils library allow this.

math.sqrt needs double, why not provide one?

public static double sqrt<t>(t value) {     return math.sqrt(convert.todouble(value)); } 

you might consider casting dynamic.

public static double sqrt<t>(t value) {        return math.sqrt((dynamic) value); } 

this technique can used operators addition:

public static t add<t>(t a, t b) {     return (dynamic) + (dynamic) b; } 


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