ruby on rails - in case I have two versions of show.html.erb -

let's say, have 2 versions of show.html.erb same model.

the first one, default, call show.html.erb.

the second one, example - show1.html.erb.

so, want use 1st 1 show on browser, , 2nd 1 print.

do have create method in controller?

in general possible create other views besides created scaffolding?

why not use wicked_pdf gem: generate pdf print:

add mime::type.register "application/pdf", :pdf

to config/initializers/mime_types.rb

in show method:

  def show     respond_to |format|       format.html       format.pdf         render :pdf => "file_name"       end     end   end 

now you'll need create show.pdf.erb file , use printing.


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