php - Ordering an array by specific value -

i have original array this:


and want sort become:


to final result using way:

$arr=array(10,8,13,8,5,10,10,12);  // remove array contain array(1) $arr_diff=array_diff(array_count_values($arr), array(1));  // remove array contain keys of $arr_diff $arr=array_diff($arr, array_keys($arr_diff));  // sort rsort($arr); ksort($arr_diff);  // unshift foreach ($arr_diff $k=>$v) {     while ($v > 0)     {         array_unshift($arr,$k);         $v--;     } } // print_r($arr); 

my question there more simple way?


$occurrences = array_count_values($arr); usort($arr, function ($a, $b) use ($occurrences) {     // if occurrence equal (== 0), return value difference instead     return ($occurrences[$b] - $occurrences[$a]) ?: ($b - $a); }); 

see reference: basic ways sort arrays , data in php.


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