doctrine2 - doctrine: is there a way to use associated entity in findBy -

i have entity 'employee' associated 1 or more 'manager' entities. therefore use join table , association in employee entity follows:

/** * @manytomany(targetentity="manager_entity") * @jointable(name="manager_employees", * joincolumns={@joincolumn(name="emp_id", referencedcolumnname="id")}, * inversejoincolumns={@joincolumn(name="manager_id", referencedcolumnname="id", unique=true)} * ) */ protected $managers; 

this working. want retrieve employees of specific manager. therefore i'm asking if possible this:

$mgr = $this->em->getrepository ( 'entities\manager' )->findoneby ( array (                 "alias" => $this->get('alias')); // pseudo code - know $managers list of managers , $mgr cannot compared $emplist = $this->em->getrepository('entities\employee')->findby(array("managers" => $mgr)); 

add function repository:

public function findbymanager($managerid) {     return $this->getentitymanager()         ->createquerybuilder()         ->from('employee', 'e')         ->innerjoin('e.managers m')         ->where(' = :managerid')         ->setparameter('managerid', $managerid)         ->getquery()         ->getresult(); } 

and use:

$employee = $repository->findbymanager($manager->getid()); 


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