Display Toast from within static method in Android -

i wish display toast screen when condition met within static method shown below:

public static void setauth(string a) {      string[] nameparts1;      if (a.trim().isempty()) {         author = "author's name";         firstinit1 = "initial";         surname1 = "surname";     }      if (a == 'x') {         toast ifx = toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "please enter name in correct format.", toast.length_short);         ifx.show();     } } 

however gives me error: 'cannot make static reference non-static method getapplicationcontext() type contextwrapper'.

hopefully have provided enough information here. appreciated!

pass context in parameter (in call, use getapplicationcontext() input) , in static function, use context:

public static void setauth(string a, context context) { ... toast ifx = toast.maketext(context, "please enter name in correct format.", toast.length_short); ... } 

and in function call

setauth("some string",getapplicationcontext()); 


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