python - QAudioOutput strange peak sound at beginning in PyQt4 -

that's general question: how can rid of peak sound @ beginning of sound? here complete code can try out. comparison: if play same sound qsound, not have peak noise. can't use qsound because not work on ubuntu.

if playing sound in player vlc, there no noise @ beginning. here sound:

import struct, sys, time pyqt4.qtcore import qiodevice, qt, qfile pyqt4.qtgui import qapplication, qwidget pyqt4.qtmultimedia import qaudio, qaudiodeviceinfo, qaudioformat, qaudiooutput  class window(qwidget):      def __init__(self, parent = none):             qwidget.__init__(self, parent)          format = qaudioformat()         format.setchannels(1)         format.setfrequency(48000)         format.setsamplesize(16)         #format.setcodec("audio/pcm")         format.setcodec("audio/wav")         format.setbyteorder(qaudioformat.littleendian)         format.setsampletype(qaudioformat.signedint)         self.output = qaudiooutput(format, self)          self.file=qfile()         self.file.setfilename("c:\\delete_2.wav")          self.output.start(self.file)          #self.file.close()  if __name__ == "__main__":     app = qapplication(sys.argv)     window = window()     sys.exit(app.exec_()) 

is skip file header, 44 not fixed size. after audio data


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