node.js - Sequelize drop table in wrong order -

i using sequelize orm in nodejs app , seems drops table in wrong order when sequelize.sync({force: true})

for example, with:

var stationentity = sequelize.define('station', {     id: { type: sequelize.integer, primarykey: true, allownull: false},     name: { type: sequelize.string, allownull: false} })  var stationsnapshotentity = sequelize.define('stationsnapshot', {     id: { type: sequelize.bigint, autoincrement: true, primarykey: true},     snapshottimestamp: { type: sequelize.bigint, allownull: false} })  stationentity.hasmany(stationsnapshotentity, {as: 'snapshots', foreignkeyconstraint: true, allownull: false}) 

i following logs after sequelize.sync({force: true}):

executing: drop table if exists `stations`; executing: drop table if exists `stationsnapshots`; executing: create table if not exists `stationsnapshots` (`id` bigint auto_increment , `snapshottimestamp` bigint not null, `createdat` datetime not null, `updatedat` datetime not null, `stationid` integer, primary key (`id`), foreign key (`stationid`) references `stations` (`id`)) engine=innodb;  error: er_row_is_referenced: cannot delete or update parent row: foreign key constraint fails 

seems dropping tables in wrong order.

same answer guest without external requirements.

db.query('set foreign_key_checks = 0') .then(function(){     return db.sync({ force: true }); }) .then(function(){     return db.query('set foreign_key_checks = 1') }) .then(function(){     console.log('database synchronised.'); }, function(err){     console.log(err); }); 


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