hibernate - Mapping JPA for DB2 Spatial -

i working on application based on websphere application server 7 , db2 spatial extender , i'd use jpa data access layer.

i've set simple table in database testing purpose:

jmtest (id integer | position db2gse.st_point) 

the challenge map position column (db2gse.st_point) field of jpa entity

the working solution found far use hibernate jpa implementation can make use of @columntransformer annotation:

@entity @namedquery(name = "getallrecords", query = "select j jmtest j") public class jmtest implements serializable {      private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;      @id     @generatedvalue(strategy=generationtype.identity)     private int id;      @columntransformer(read="db2gse.st_astext(position)",write="db2gse.st_pointfromtext(?,1003)")     private string position; 

since using websphere 7, comes jpa 1.0 , ibm or openjpa implementation. unfortunately, afraid have stick these (no possibility use jpa 2.0 neither use alternate jpa provider)

i not find equivalent of @columntransformer in ibm or openjpa implementations. if exists, please explain me should use?

if not, please give me advice on how can map db2spatial column jpa entity field using ibm/openjpa implementation?

many in advance.

take @ @factory , @externalizer annotations exist in openjpa.


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