Fluent nhibernate table-per-subclass want to return items of base class type without joining to child tables -

i have classes this:

public class basicsearchresult {     public virtual int itemid { get; set; }     public virtual string name { get; set; } } public class advancedsearchresult : basicsearchresult {     public virtual string detaileddata { get; set; } } public class basicsearchresultmap : classmap<basicsearchresult> {     public basicsearchresultmap()     {         table("basic_search_view");         readonly();          id(x => x.itemid).column("item_id").generatedby.assigned();         map(x => x.name).column("product_name");     } } public class advancedsearchresultmap : subclassmap<advancedsearchresult> {     public advancedsearchresultmap()     {         table("advanced_search_view");         keycolumn("item_id");         map(x => x.detaileddata).column("extra_data");     } } 

where both basic & advanced views have exact same items (but vastly more horizontal data behind advanced view).

this works fine, , can retrieve database fine. issue want change want still able retrieve basicsearchresult data without joining advanced_search_view because query expensive.

in other words, want retrieve subclass when explicitly ask it. but, when ask basicsearchresult, nhibernate being overly helpful , attempting join advanced_search_view.

does know way ensure there join subclass when explicitly ask subclass?

putting way, when


it results in sql:

select     this_.item_id,     this_.product_name,     case          when this_1_.item_id not null 1         when this_.item_id not null 0     end                            clazz_2_     this_1_.extra_data   basic_search_view this_        left outer join advanced_search_view this_1_          on this_.item_id = this_1_.item_id       this_.item_id = 99 

when want have:

select     this_.item_id,     this_.product_name   basic_search_view this_       this_.item_id = 99 

or - off base , should using join() kind of thing?

thanks on subject.

option 1

session.query<basicsearchresult>()     .select(res => new basicsearchresult     {         itemid = res.itemid,         name = res.name,     }).tolist(); 

option 2

use aliastobeantransformer

option 3

write specialised mapping


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