c# - Crystal reports Showing Multiple pages of records using ASP.Net -

i have crystal report having layout of payslip. crystal report has stored procedure recordsource. code follows.

reportdocument reportdocument = new reportdocument();              reportdocument.load(server.mappath("crystalreport2.rpt"));              reportdocument.setdatabaselogon("", "", @"biswa-pc\sqlexpress", "forum_mall");              reportdocument.setparametervalue("@compid", compid);              reportdocument.setparametervalue("@deptname", dept);              reportdocument.setparametervalue("@year_id", yearid);              reportdocument.setparametervalue("@month_id", monthid);              crystalreportviewer1.reportsource = reportdocument; 

the rows returned 200 report showing me first record , page link go next page. when link page clicked giving error message

server error in '/forum' application.

the system cannot find path specified.

description: unhandled exception occurred during execution of current web request. please review stack trace more information error , originated in code.

exception details: system.runtime.interopservices.comexception: system cannot find path specified.

source error:

an unhandled exception generated during execution of current web request. information regarding origin , location of exception can identified using exception stack trace below.

stack trace:

but asthonishly if view report in end report viewer nicely formating report group wise employee id in 200 records.

the settings given in report in details section 'keep clicked on group footer section 'new page before' clicked on (i tried new page after also) group header section no selection has been made.

can me wrong. running program in web using asp.net 3.5 , crystal reports.

thanks in advance

you can find solution



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