ruby on rails - Search over multiple key of field type hash MongoID -

i apply filter on multiple key of field type hash reference example code below

######working code
class model   include mongoid::document    field :ld,    as: :load_date,       type:time   field :cls,   as: :classification,  type:hash    def self.base_filter(filters)     model.where("cls.#{filters}.r"=>true,"cls.#{filters}.t"=>"news",:load_date.gte=>1.month.ago).count   end end 
######desired not working code
class model   include mongoid::document    field :ld,    as: :load_date,       type:time       field :cls,   as: :classification,  type:hash    def self.base_filter(filters)     model.where("cls.#{filters}"=>{'r'=>true,'t'=>"news"},:load_date.gte=>1.month.ago).count   end end 

is there available in mongoid or if available in mongodb how can call mongoid


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