Rails: impressionist_count on a relationship table -

i'm trying use impressionist gem track visits on relation. write method works well:

@document.publications.each |publication|   impressionist(publication) end 

i have has_many, :through relation (simplified here works fine):

class document   has_many :components, :through => :publications end 

i'm running issue writing query relevant impressions based on component. failing code presently looks this:

<% document.components.each |component| %>   <%= component.publications.where(:document_id => document.id).impressionist_count %> <% end %> 

i no method error so:

undefined method 'impressionist_count' #<activerecord::relation:blah 

i know i'm writing failing code incorrectly i'm struggling find correct way write it.

you need set-up :counter_cache in association

watch video, it's explained http://railscasts.com/episodes/23-counter-cache-column


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