r - Background color of a .shp using `readShapeSpatial` function -

i looking use background color on .shp using readshapespatial function. can me this?. there function similar (except: readshapepoly) can used add background color .shp files?

this part of code...

library(raster) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(maps) library(scales)  pcontorta <- readshapespatial("per_water_areas_dcw.shp") pcontorta2 <- readshapespatial("bol_water_areas_dcw.shp") pcontorta3 <- readshapespatial("ecu_water_areas_dcw.shp") pcontorta4 <- readshapespatial("pry_water_areas_dcw.shp") pcontorta5 <- readshapespatial("per_adm2.shp") pcontorta6 <- readshapespatial("bol_adm2.shp") pcontorta7 <- readshapespatial("ecu_adm2.shp") pcontorta8 <- readshapespatial("pry_adm2.shp")  read.csv("coord.csv") -> data data <- data.frame(data[,1:4])  data[data$species=="b._nn",] -> primera data[data$species=="b._ghn",] -> segunda data[data$species=="b._bolivianus",] -> tercera data[data$species=="b._brevirostris",] -> cuarta data[data$species=="b._diasphanus",] -> quinta data[data$species=="b._osgoodi",] -> sexta data[data$species=="b._pachacuti",] -> septima data[data$species=="b._phoenicoteru",] -> octava data[data$species=="b._pectinatus",] -> novena data[data$species=="b._peruanus",] -> decima data[data$species=="b._thomasi",] -> once rownames(data) <- data[,1] attach(data) na.omit(data) -> data alt <- raster("alt.bil") extent_all <-extent (-85, -50, -30, 5) crop(alt, extent_all)->alt tiff(filename = "mapa.tiff",res = 800, pointsize = 6, width = 3200, height = 3200, units = "px")  #... #continues little bit...plotting...  box() dev.off() 

thanks , have nice day!

in general shp file not have background, how plots created background colour be.

using example ?readshapespatial

xx <- readshapespatial(system.file("shapes/sids.shp", package="maptools")[1],                    idvar="fipsno", proj4string=crs("+proj=longlat +ellps=clrk66")) 

(1) set while plotting using bg


 plot(xx, col = 'red', bg = 'blue') 

(2) set plot background "transparent" , define in output device

tiff(filename = "mapa.png",bg = 'green') plot(xx, bg = 'transparent', col = 'white') dev.off() # gives (converting `png` allow uploaded so) 

enter image description here


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