hide DIV when radio button is clicked with Javascript -

i want hide div when radio button clicked, cannot figure out life of me.. here code:

 <li>      residential&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;      <input type="radio" name="fee" id="residential" class="app_fee"             value="<?php echo "$applicationfee_residential" ?>"             onchange="mech_application.fee1.value = eval(mech_application.residential.value)"             <?php if (isset($_post['fee'])) {                       print($residentialyes ? "checked" : "");             } ?> />  </li>   <li>      apartment/commercial      <input type="radio" name="fee" id="apartment" class="app_fee"             value="<?php echo "$applicationfee_apartment" ?>"             onchange="mech_application.fee1.value = eval(mech_application.apartment.value)"             <?php if (isset($_post['fee'])) {                       print($apartmentno ? "checked" : "");             } ?> />  </li>   <li>      revision&nbsp;      <input type="radio" name="fee" id="revision" class="app_fee"             value="<?php echo "$revision" ?>"             onchange="mech_application.fee1.value = eval(mech_application.revision.value)"             <?php if (isset($_post['revision'])) {                       print($revisionyes ? "checked" : "");             } ?> />      <?php if ($_server['request_method'] == 'post') {                if (!isset($_post['fee'])) {                    $problem = true;                    print '<p class="error">please select application type</p>';                    $error = true;                 }            }?>   </li> 

and want hide div when either residential or apartment or clicked, , show when revision clicked:

 <div class="revision_hidden">      application id:      <input type="text" name="revision_application_id" size="12" maxlength="40"             value="<?php if (isset($_post['revision_application_id'])) {                              print htmlspecialchars($_post['revision_application_id']);                     } ?>"             placeholder="application id"/>  </div> 

any , appreciated! thank you!

give div id:

<div class="revision_hidden" id="my_div"> ... 

add onclick function radiobuttons:

<input type="radio" name="fee" id="residential" onclick="my_function(this)" ... <input type="radio" name="fee" id="apartment" onclick="my_function(this)" ... <input type="radio" name="fee" id="revision" onclick="my_function(this)" ... 

and add javascript function:

function my_function(elm) {     if(elm == document.getelementbyid('residential') || elm == document.getelementbyid('apartment'))     {         //document.getelementbyid('my_div').style.visibility = "hidden";         document.getelementbyid('my_div').style.display = "none";     }     else if(elm == document.getelementbyid('revision'))     {         //document.getelementbyid('my_div').style.visibility = "visible";         document.getelementbyid('my_div').style.display = "block";     } } 


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