Extracting JSON from PHP on Android -

i have tried , tried , can't seem bottom of it. here php code

$query = "select `title` `c2torsdb`.`pe_vacancies` active=1 limit 2"; $result = mysql_query($query,$link) or die('errant query:  '.$query); /* create 1 master array of records */ $posts = array(); if(mysql_num_rows($result)) { while($post = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $posts[] = array('post'=>$post);     }   }   /* output in necessary format */   if($format == 'json') {     header('content-type: application/json, charset=utf-8');     echo json_encode($posts);   } 

and here code snippet

    httpresponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);     string jsonresult = inputstreamtostring(response.getentity().getcontent()).tostring();     jsonobject object = new jsonobject(jsonresult);      //jsonarray innerobj = object.getjsonarray("post");     string name = object.getstring("title");     //string name = name1.getstring(0);      log.v("isurgeon", name);      //string name = object.getstring("posts");     //string verion = object.getstring("version");     textview.settext(name + " - "); 

here json output php script:

[{"post":{"title":"property litigation assistant solicitor"}},{"post":{"title":"trusts , probate practitioner"}}] 

i want 'title'.

i honest, not familiar android know json. if take json output , place javascript this:

var abc = [{"post":{"title":"property litigation assistant solicitor"}},{"post":{"title":"trusts , probate practitioner"}}] 

i 1st title doing this:


you need select nth element of returned json object title.


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