c++ - Performance difference of iostream console output between Windows and OSX? -

given following simple loop:

int main (void) {     (int = 0 ; < 1000000; i++) {          std::cout<<i<<std::endl;     } } 

running code on clean windows 8 professional using microsoft visual studio 2012 takes 15 secs every 100k prints.

on mac os x , using same computer , takes barely 3 secs xcode output 1 mill lines.

i'm 100% sure has nothing performance , related output mechanics or something.

can confirm this..? know windows & visual studio fine.

std::endl flush line. quite expensive this.

try :

std::cout << << '\n'; 

in other usual interactive i/o scenarios, std::endl redundant when used std::cout because input std::cin, output std::cerr, or program termination forces call std::cout.flush().

use of std::endl in place of '\n', encouraged sources, may degrade output performance.


edit : output operation costly , depend on external factors. why slow here. example, terminal application being used can factor of performance issues.

you can avoid redirecting output /dev/null/ :

./a.out > /dev/null 

on output performance, can read : http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/5217


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