c# - Can't receive data from intent -

i using monodroid make application. in application user clicks button goes listview, listview has multiple options, user selects on option , option sent original class textview changed same text option on listview selected.

below class sends data

 protected override void onlistitemclick(listview l, view v, int position, long id)     {         int t = labels[position];         string text = t + "";          intent send = new intent(this, typeof(createvehicle));         send.setflags(activityflags.cleartop | activityflags.singletop);         send.putextra("t", "data firstactivity");         startactivity(send);      } 

below receiving class:

protected override void onresume()     {         base.onresume(); // call superclass first.          textview tvyearchange = findviewbyid<textview>(resource.id.tvyearchange);          string text = intent.getstringextra("t") ?? "work";          tvyearchange.settext(text, null);      } 

if figure out why i'm not receiving data great.

i not sure if got problem correctly guess main activity calling activity has listview , want result in main activity, right?

if so, code displayed not right way want. looking use startactivityforresult , overriding onactivityresult method in main activity.

i don't know how use monodroid , c# can give example in java sure understand how want:

let's listview activity called mylist , extends listactivity , main activity called mainactivity. below onlistitemclick method of mylist:

@override protected void onlistitemclick(listview l, view v, int position, long id){     super.onlistitemclick(l, v, position, id);      string text = string.valueof(labels[position]);      // create intent extras     intent send = new intent();     send.putextra("text_from_list", text);      // set result ok (meaning extras put expected caller)     setresult(result_ok, send);       // need caller (mainactivity) knows user completed       // activity (mylist) expected (clicking on item return result)       // , didn't leave activity (back button)      // close list activity     finish(); } 

below method in main activity calls mylist:

private void calllistactivity(){     intent call = new intent(mainactivity.this, mylist.class);     startactivityforresult(call, 1);           // second field number identify activity        // returned result when result received (you can have        // several calls different activities expecting results       // each 1 of them). number called requestcode. } 

you have override onactivityresult in mainactivity this:

@override public void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) {     super.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, data);     // check if returned data came mylist (requestcode 1) , if     // data received (check if resultcode = result_ok)     if (requestcode == 1) {          if (resultcode == result_ok) {             string text = data.getstringextra("text_from_list");               // have use same string identifier used               // when put in intent in mylist              textview tvyearchange = (textview)findviewbyid(r.id.tvyearchange);              tvyearchange.settext(text);         }         else {             // if activity didn't return data             // (resultcode != result_ok)         }     }      // if expecting results other activities put more if     // clauses here appropriate request code, example:     // if (requestcode == 2) {     //     dosomething;     // }     // , on... } 

it shouldn't hard modify java code c# code can use monodroid. also, take @ this link android official documentation, have lot of useful stuff there.

i hope helps you.


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