synchronization - WSO2 ESB Deployment Synchronizer stuck (can't gracefully shutdown or deploy services) -

we facing issues wso2 esb sincronizer, since have clustered configuration, using svn store content of "repository/deployment/server". carbon.xml configuration following:

<deploymentsynchronizer>     <enabled>true</enabled>     <autocommit>false</autocommit><!--true mgt node-->     <autocheckout>true</autocheckout>     <repositorytype>svn</repositorytype>     <svnurl>https://svn/x/trunk/serveresb/desenv/</svnurl>     <svnuser>user</svnuser>     <svnpassword>password</svnpassword>     <svnurlappendtenantid>false</svnurlappendtenantid> </deploymentsynchronizer> 

it works correctly time, after deploys , undeploys stops working. although still gives message going sincronize , svn update seems corectly performed, esb not load newly deployed xmls:

tid: [0] [esb] info {org.wso2.carbon.core.deployment.synchronizerepositoryrequest} -  received [synchronizerepositoryrequest{tenantid=-1234, tenantdomain='carbon.super', messageid=f9b51e23-8a3c-4f08-acb0-5a1f0f4590b2}]  {org.wso2.carbon.core.deployment.synchronizerepositoryrequest} tid: [0] [esb] info {org.wso2.carbon.core.deployment.synchronizerepositoryrequest} -  going synchronse artefacts.  {org.wso2.carbon.core.deployment.synchronizerepositoryrequest} 

normally after message prints info saying new services deployed, no occour.

when try shutdown server gives me message "waiting deployment completion...", , gets stuck (so have kill using "kill -9"):

tid: [0] [esb] info {org.wso2.carbon.core.servermanagement} -  waiting deployment completion... {org.wso2.carbon.core.servermanagement} 

if manually restarts it, deployments work fine, , sincronizer start work fine again (for time).

p.s: i've tryed use os's svn (suse) , svnkit module. our svn repository version 1.5.1.

there few docs out there not upto date; hence make things more difficult. have tried , ended unexpected problems.

have tried instructions provided in latest wso2-product clustering docs?

these information upto date, , tested sample set-up (esb cluster 1 manager node , 3 worker nodes fronted elastic load balancer). if have followed instructions, should work fine. if have followed same steps respectively , got stuck issue, please confirm whether have followed instructions provided document, or not.



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