python - Tkinter: Highlight/Colour specific lines of text based on a keyword -

i looking simple way search through line of text , highlight line if contains specific word. have tkinter text box has lots of lines like:

"blah blah blah failed blah blah"

"blah blah blah passed blah blah"

and set background colour of "failed" line red. far have:

for line in results_text:    if "failed" in line:       txt.tag_config("failed", bg="red")       txt.insert(0.0,line)    else:       txt.insert(0.0,line) 

this prints out want nothing colours

this wrong way change text colour. please help!!


from tkinter import *  root = tk() t = text(root) t.pack() t.insert(end, '''\ blah blah blah failed blah blah blah blah blah passed blah blah blah blah blah failed blah blah blah blah blah failed blah blah ''') t.tag_config('failed', background='red') t.tag_config('passed', background='blue')  def search(text_widget, keyword, tag):     pos = '1.0'     while true:         idx =, pos, end)         if not idx:             break         pos = '{}+{}c'.format(idx, len(keyword))         text_widget.tag_add(tag, idx, pos)  search(t, 'failed', 'failed') search(t, 'passed', 'passed')  #t.tag_delete('failed') #t.tag_delete('passed')  root.mainloop() 


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