php - Rewrite rules : forgetting a query string in .htaccess -

i have in .htaccess

rewritecond %{query_string} ^(.*)?$ rewriterule ^([0-9a-za-z\-_]+)(/)?  index.php?action=view&type=page&page=$1&%1 [l] 

but when put in browser:


the url transformed into:


why shouldn't get:

index.php?action=view&type=page&page=test%20doc ? 

for readability, remove rewritecond , add qsa (query string append) flag rewriterule:

rewriterule     ^([\w-]+)/?    index.php?action=view&type=page&page=$1 [qsa,l] 

the url testing (http://localhost:8888/myapp/test%20doc) doesn't have query string. mean test with:



you're problem has nothing query strings. fact haven't matched space character in character class , intending to. add space character class. should work you:

^([ \w-]+)/? 

the \w shorthand 0-9a-za-z_


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