c# - How to keep my selection to the DataGrid Row after refresh the data grid using timer in WPF -

i have wpf datagrid , binding datagrid if changes made data automatically refresh selection datagrid row unselected.

instead of using list store data, try using observablecollection. advantage of using observablecollection whenever add item collection ui automatically updated manually refresh of datagrid not required. below have shared sample application adds , updates record in datagrid.


<grid>     <grid.rowdefinitions>         <rowdefinition height="auto"/>         <rowdefinition height="auto"/>     </grid.rowdefinitions>     <stackpanel orientation="horizontal">         <radiobutton name="cbadd" groupname="addoredit" content="add messages" ischecked="true"></radiobutton>         <radiobutton name="cbupdate" groupname="addoredit" content="update messages"></radiobutton>     </stackpanel>     <datagrid grid.row="1" name="dgnew" canuseraddrows="false">      </datagrid> </grid> 

code behind:

using system; using system.windows; using system.timers; using system.collections.objectmodel; using system.windows.threading; using system.componentmodel;  namespace wpfapplication1 {     /// <summary>     /// interaction logic mainwindow.xaml     /// </summary>     public partial class mainwindow : window     {         timer _timer = null;         observablecollection<custommessage> _messages = null;          int count = 0;          public mainwindow()         {             initializecomponent();             _messages = new observablecollection<custommessage>();             count++;             _messages.add(new custommessage() { id = count, message = "message" });             _timer = new timer(1000);             _timer.elapsed += new elapsedeventhandler(_timer_elapsed);              this.dgnew.itemssource = _messages;             _timer.start();         }          void _timer_elapsed(object sender, elapsedeventargs e)         {             try             {                 _timer.stop();                 application.current.dispatcher.invoke(dispatcherpriority.background, new action(() =>                 {                     if (this.cbadd.ischecked == true)                     {                         count++;                         _messages.add(new custommessage() { id = count, message = "timer message " + count });                     }                     else                     {                         // udpate existing message                         random random = new random();                         custommessage message = _messages[random.next(0, count)];                         message.message = "updated time" + datetime.now.tolongtimestring();                     }                 }));             }                         {                 _timer.start();             }         }     }      public class custommessage : inotifypropertychanged     {         private int _id;          public int id         {             { return _id; }             set             {                 _id = value;                 onpropertychanged("id");             }         }          private string _message;          public string message         {             { return _message; }             set             {                 _message = value;                 onpropertychanged("message");             }         }          public event propertychangedeventhandler propertychanged;         public void onpropertychanged(string propertyname)         {             if (propertychanged != null)                 propertychanged(this, new propertychangedeventargs(propertyname));         }     } } 


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