selenium - I'm trying to validate all links on a webpage are working. How do I ignore a logout link -

the following method clicks on links of our application home page , validates working. problem logout link on page, can imagine once click test fails. there way can ignore or remove check of logout link? fyi logout first element in array. appreciated

public void checkalllinks() {

    driver.switchto().defaultcontent().switchto().frame("mainframe");     list<webelement> linkelements = driver.findelements(by.tagname("a"));      string[] linktexts = new string[linkelements.size()];      int = 0;      // extract link texts of each link element      (webelement e : linkelements) {[i] = e.gettext());          i++;      }     (string l : linktexts) {          driver.findelement(by.linktext(l)).click();          if (driver.gettitle().equals(title)) {              system.out.println("\"" + l + "\""              + " not working.");          } else {              system.out.println("\"" + l + "\""              + " working.");          }          driver.navigate().back();      } } 

if know it's first, add count , skip first:

i = 0; (string l : linktexts) {     if (i > 0) {         // ...     }     i++; } 


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