google chrome extension - Getting Port: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. and nothing has worked. Literally -

so, i've looked every other stack overflow post on topic, changed line line, , nothing working. (nevermind 99% of code straight off no matter try, error mentioned in title. there doesn't seem explanation, i'm hoping group can spot potentially stupid thing i'm missing. thanks!


  {   "manifest_version": 2,    "name": "topic fetch",   "description": "this extension extracts meta keywords news article , give related articles google news",   "version": "1.0",    "browser_action": {     "default_icon": "icon.png",     "default_title" : "get related links"   },      "background": {     "persistent": false,     "scripts": ["background.js"]   },    "content_scripts": [     {       "matches": ["*://*/*"],       "js": ["content-script.js"],       "run_at": "document_end"     }   ],    "permissions": [     "tabs","<all_urls>",     "activetab"   ] } 


chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentwindow: true}, function(tabs) { console.log(tabs); chrome.tabs.sendmessage(tabs[0].id, "message", function(response) {     alert(response); }); }); 


    chrome.runtime.onmessage.addlistener(   function(message, sender, sendresponse) {       sendresponse('hello!');   }); 

edit: here's code i'm using (for part) , info message passing in chrome extensions:

content script code won't run until refresh page, isn't listening yet. code in background.js not intended run (as have it). should run after have confirmed tab listening.

i suggest trying opposite way first: listen background.js , send message content script.


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