.net - Best Approach To Handle Multiple Select Statements In A Single Trip To The Database -

this question has answer here:

i thinking transaction me in following example wrong. attempting avoid making 3 different calls database if dont have in following scenerio..

i want following:

  1. select name, address employee
  2. select state states
  3. select error errortable

in case have call several different selects data. best way approach scenerio return data want read minimizing several calls database?

note: no tables have relationship between them.

if there no relation between tables kind of

select [your selected columns] (select * table1 [conditon table1]) t1 inner join (select * table2 [condition table2]) t2 on 1=1  inner join (select * table3 [condition table3]) t3 on 1=1  

this makes 1 trip database.


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