windows 8 - Source file 'obj\ARM\Release\TemporaryGeneratedFile_<GUID>cs' could not be found -
so, windows metro app not build because number of errors source file 'obj\arm\release\temporarygeneratedfile_<guid>.cs' not found.
variety of long alphanumeric strings.
this accompanied number of other warnings state source file 'obj\release\\temporarygeneratedfile_<guid>.cs' specified multiple times
guids match errors.
here's piece of info. if run app right right developing, have no issues. still warnings, none of errors. app runs without problem. however, when push code git , download code, either computer or same computer, errors above , app not run, leads me believe crucial file not getting pushed.
however, don't know don't understand meaning of message. have insight these temporarygeneratedfiles are?
try checking length of path temporarygeneratedfile_[guid] are. in our case, these files deep in folder hierarchy , compiler couldn't find them. moving intermediary folder closer drive's root solved issue us.
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