c# - Query related to getting number of days in between of two days -

i need number of days between 2 given dates.

i used "(enddate-startdate).days" senior advised may incur memory leaks, told me may result in different values if used on 32 bit system vs on 64 bit system , advised me use timespan instead , days.

i couldn't point.

can please explain how may incur memory management issue?

datetime dt1 = datetime.now; datetime dt2 = datetime.now.adddays(-10); int daysdiff = (dt2-dt1).days; // i'm doing this.  timespan ts = dt2-dt1; // senior- int daysdiff = ts.days. // advised me. 

please correct me if i'm wrong i'm not proficient on point. in advance, appreciate help.

c# code:

    int yourversion()     {         datetime dt1 = datetime.now;         datetime dt2 = datetime.now.adddays(-10);         int daysdiff = (dt2 - dt1).days;         return daysdiff;     }     int seniorversion()     {         datetime dt1 = datetime.now;         datetime dt2 = datetime.now.adddays(-10);         timespan ts = dt2 - dt1;         int daysdiff = ts.days;         return daysdiff;     } 

compiled on vs2013, release build, decompiled il:


.method private hidebysig instance int32          yourversion() cil managed {   // code size       48 (0x30)   .maxstack  2   .locals init ([0] valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime dt1,            [1] valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime dt2,            [2] int32 daysdiff,            [3] valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime cs$0$0000,            [4] valuetype [mscorlib]system.timespan cs$0$0001)   il_0000:  call       valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime [mscorlib]system.datetime::get_now()   il_0005:  stloc.0   il_0006:  call       valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime [mscorlib]system.datetime::get_now()   il_000b:  stloc.3   il_000c:  ldloca.s   cs$0$0000   il_000e:  ldc.r8     -10.   il_0017:  call       instance valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime [mscorlib]system.datetime::adddays(float64)   il_001c:  stloc.1   il_001d:  ldloc.1   il_001e:  ldloc.0   il_001f:  call       valuetype [mscorlib]system.timespan [mscorlib]system.datetime::op_subtraction(valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime,                                                                                                      valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime)   il_0024:  stloc.s    cs$0$0001   il_0026:  ldloca.s   cs$0$0001   il_0028:  call       instance int32 [mscorlib]system.timespan::get_days()   il_002d:  stloc.2   il_002e:  ldloc.2   il_002f:  ret } // end of method program::yourversion 

your senior's:

.method private hidebysig instance int32          seniorversion() cil managed {   // code size       48 (0x30)   .maxstack  2   .locals init ([0] valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime dt1,            [1] valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime dt2,            [2] valuetype [mscorlib]system.timespan ts,            [3] int32 daysdiff,            [4] valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime cs$0$0000)   il_0000:  call       valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime [mscorlib]system.datetime::get_now()   il_0005:  stloc.0   il_0006:  call       valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime [mscorlib]system.datetime::get_now()   il_000b:  stloc.s    cs$0$0000   il_000d:  ldloca.s   cs$0$0000   il_000f:  ldc.r8     -10.   il_0018:  call       instance valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime [mscorlib]system.datetime::adddays(float64)   il_001d:  stloc.1   il_001e:  ldloc.1   il_001f:  ldloc.0   il_0020:  call       valuetype [mscorlib]system.timespan [mscorlib]system.datetime::op_subtraction(valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime,                                                                                                      valuetype [mscorlib]system.datetime)   il_0025:  stloc.2   il_0026:  ldloca.s   ts   il_0028:  call       instance int32 [mscorlib]system.timespan::get_days()   il_002d:  stloc.3   il_002e:  ldloc.3   il_002f:  ret } // end of method program::seniorversion 

the difference? yours has compiler generated timespan variable used hold result of dt2 - dt1, , senior's has named variable. other that, they're same code.

there's no risk of memory leak, , code run same on 32-bit , 64-bit systems.

(there few minor differences based on specific instructions used access local variables, these not expected produce perturbations in code jit can produce)


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