ruby on rails - Using variables and mixins in Foundation -

i've found lot of similar questions 1 nothing quite solves problem. basically, i'm using foundation 4.x rails 3.x, working fine foundation_and_overrides being included in application.css. can modify variables in foundation_and_overrides , works fine. however, want use $primary-color variable (and bunch of others) in 1 of other scss files (application/global.css.scss). if use @import "foudation_and_overrides" in global css file, works, includes entire foundation css twice in compiled application.css, not ideal.

i want use mixins, such @include radius() in global file. works if use @import "foundation/components/global" - ends duplicate css being compiled. want use global vars & functions, not css - surely common thing do?

previously (before foundation) put scss functions in helpers file, , imported in other scss files needed it.

another quick q while i'm here, class use add little dropdown triangle thing next custom text?


with new foundation do:

$include-html-global-classes: false; @import "foundation/components/global"; 
  • updated newer foundation (see comments)

earlier path was

@import "foundation/foundation-global"; 


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