XmlHttp Post in Excel VBA not updating website form -

i routinely have search state of nv unclaimed property , put results in excel spreadsheet. trying automate process i'm limited using excel 2010 , vba. below url site i'm trying submit form using xmlhttp.

url: https://nevadatreasurer.gov/upsearch/

i created class automate submitting forms on other websites no matter enter in postdata form never submitted. below submission, , method submit form.

call class:

cxml.openwebsite "post", "https://nevadatreasurer.gov/upsearch/index.aspx", _                  "ctl04$txtowner=" & strsearchname 

class method:

public sub openwebsite(stropenmethod string, strurl string, _ optional strpostdata string)  pxmlhttp.open stropenmethod, strurl   if strpostdata <> ""     strpostdata = convertspacetoplus(strpostdata)     pxmlhttp.setrequestheader "content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"     pxmlhttp.send (strpostdata) else     pxmlhttp.send end if  'create dom html documnet phtmlobj.body.innerhtml = pxmlhttp.responsetext  end sub 

each time responsetext main website no updates, if submitted no postdata. i'm new ie automation can provide reason why isn't working , code example works?


update: 7/26/13 8:30am pst

without changes method able submit forms through website. state of or unclaimed property form. worked perfect!

url: https://oregonup.us/upweb/up/up_search.asp

however ran same problem when tried state of ca unclaimed property website. no matter do, responsetext original search page no update.

url: https://scoweb.sco.ca.gov/ucp/default.aspx

it still not work state of nv on original post. using proper post data, url encoded each website , can see no difference. appreciated.

try below code

public sub openwebsite(stropenmethod string, strurl string, optional strpostdata string)      dim pxmlhttp object     set pxmlhttp = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp")     pxmlhttp.open stropenmethod, strurl, false     pxmlhttp.setrequestheader "content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"     pxmlhttp.send (strpostdata)       dim phtmlobj object     set phtmlobj = createobject("htmlfile")     phtmlobj.body.innerhtml = pxmlhttp.responsetext     msgbox pxmlhttp.responsetext  end sub  sub test()     dim btnsearch string, strsearchtype string, strsearchname string, postdata string     btnsearch = "search"     strsearchtype = "owner"     strsearchname = "santosh"     postdata = "ctl04%24txtowner=" & strsearchname & "&ctl04%24btnsearch=" & btnsearch & "&ctl04%24rblsearchtype=" & strsearchtype     openwebsite "post", "https://nevadatreasurer.gov/upsearch/index.aspx", postdata end sub 

post data view using firebug

enter image description here

url encode

enter image description here


enter image description here


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