sqlhelper - Sql helper class in asp.net -

why should use sql helper class in our application.what difference between sql helper class , simple class.in situation sql helper should used.please define structure of class.

sqlhelper intended consolidate mundane, repetitive code written time , time again in data access layer components of ado.net applications, this:

using microsoft.applicationblocks.data; sqlhelper.executenonquery(connection,"insert_person",      new sqlparameter("@name",txtname.text),     new sqlparameter("@age",txtage.text)); 

instead of this:

string connectionstring = (string)  configurationsettings.appsettings["connectionstring"];  sqlconnection connection = new sqlconnection(connectionstring); sqlcommand command = new sqlcommand("insert_person",connection); command.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure; command.parameters.add(new sqlparameter("@name",sqldbtype.nvarchar,50)); command.parameters["@name"].value = txtname.text; command.parameters.add(new sqlparameter("@age",sqldbtype.nvarchar,10)); command.parameters["@age"].value = txtage.text; connection.open(); command.executenonquery(); connection.close(); 

it part of microsoft application blocks framework.


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