hadoop - Cloudera installation Doubts? -

i new cloudera, installed cloudera in system have 2 doubts,

  • consider machine nodes using hadoop data, can install cloudera use existing hadoop without made changes or modifaction on data stored existing hadooop.

  • i installed cloudera in machine, have 3 machines add clusters, want know, want install cloudera in 3 machines before add machines clusters ?, or can add node clusters without installing cloudera on purticular nodes?.

thanks in advance can anyone, please give information above questions.

answer questions -

1. if want migrate cdh existing apache distribution, can follow link



the migration process require moderate understanding of linux system administration. should make plan before start. restarting critical services such name node , job tracker, downtime necessary. given value of data on cluster, you’ll want careful take recent ups of mission-critical data sets name node meta-data.

backing data important if you’re upgrading version of hadoop based on apache software foundation release earlier 0.20.

2.cdh binary needs installed , configured in nodes have cdh based cluster , running.


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