Storing Pandas objects along with regular Python objects in HDF5 -

pandas has nice interface facilitates storing things dataframes , series in hdf5:

random_matrix  = np.random.random_integers(0,10, m_size) my_dataframe =  pd.dataframe(random_matrix)  store = pd.hdfstore('some_file.h5',complevel=9, complib='bzip2') store['my_dataframe'] = my_dataframe store.close() 

but if try save other regular python objects in same file, complains:

my_dictionary = dict() my_dictionary['a'] = 2           # <--- error my_dictionary['b'] = [2,3,4]  store['my_dictionary'] = my_dictionary store.close() 


typeerror: cannot create storer for: [_type_map] [group->/par ameters (group) u'',value-><type 'dict'>,table->none,append->false,kwargs- >{}]                                    

how can store regular python data structures in same hdf5 store other pandas objects ?

here's example cookbook:

you can store arbitrary objects attributes of node. belive there 64kb limit (i think total attribute data node). objects pickled

in [1]: df = dataframe(np.random.randn(8,3))  in [2]: store = hdfstore('test.h5')  in [3]: store['df'] = df  # can store arbitrary python object via pickle in [4]: store.get_storer('df').attrs.my_attribute = dict(a = 10)  in [5]: store.get_storer('df').attrs.my_attribute {'a': 10} 


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