indexing - Duplicate key error with mongodb 2dsphere unique index -

i try inserts geo points mongodb 2dsphere unique index, raises many duplicate key error.

a simple reproduce demo:

> version() 2.4.5 > use geo > db.test.ensureindex( { loc : "2dsphere" }, unique=true ) > db.test.insert({"loc" : { "type" : "point", "coordinates" : [  113.3736642,  23.04469194 ] }}) > db.test.insert({"loc" : { "type" : "point", "coordinates" : [  113.3734775,  23.04609556 ] }}) e11000 duplicate key error index: geo.test.$loc_2dsphere  dup key: { : "1f22000102222113" } 

why these totally different points raise duplicate key error?


i tried other tests, seems have accuracy.

> db.test.ensureindex( { loc : "2dsphere" }, unique=true ) > db.test.insert({"loc" : { "type" : "point", "coordinates" : [  113.373,  23.044 ] }}) > db.test.insert({"loc" : { "type" : "point", "coordinates" : [  113.373,  23.045 ] }}) e11000 duplicate key error index: geo.test.$loc_2dsphere  dup key: { : "1f22000102222113" } > db.test.insert({"loc" : { "type" : "point", "coordinates" : [  113.373,  23.046 ] }}) e11000 duplicate key error index: geo.test.$loc_2dsphere  dup key: { : "1f22000102222113" } > db.test.insert({"loc" : { "type" : "point", "coordinates" : [  113.373,  23.047 ] }}) e11000 duplicate key error index: geo.test.$loc_2dsphere  dup key: { : "1f22000102222113" } > db.test.insert({"loc" : { "type" : "point", "coordinates" : [  113.373,  23.048 ] }}) e11000 duplicate key error index: geo.test.$loc_2dsphere  dup key: { : "1f22000102222113" } > db.test.insert({"loc" : { "type" : "point", "coordinates" : [  113.373,  23.049 ] }}) 

in test 23.045 23.048 failed, 23.044 23.049 succeed.

i can indeed reproduce this. using unique index 2dsphere not think ought supported. resolution of index not high enough see 2 points not same. our implementation of s2 index uses "cells" minimum side 500m , points 65 meters away each other.

there fascinating presentation @ explains how index works.

for however, don't think there solution problem i'll more investigation.


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